Getting Started

To get started with Adminosaur press the Free Trial button and create an account.

Once you have created an account you will be prompted to create a church. You will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Church Name – This is the name of your church
  • Sub Domain – This is the subdomain you will use to access your church in Adminosaur using the format [subdomain]
  • Max number of Groups – This is the number of different groups you can have in the Groups module
  • Max number of Services – This is the number of different services you can have in the Nametags module
  • Email for Invoices – Where you want us to send invoices for Adminosaur after the first free month

Please note that the number of Groups and/or Services that you select can be changed after you have created your church. For more info go to Billing.

Once you have created a church go to [Sub Domain] replacing “[Sub Domain]” with whatever you put in site address field when you created your church.

You have now created a church and are ready to start using Adminosaur. For more information on specific aspects of adminosaur please refer to the rest of our help documentaion.

For more information or help, please contact us.