
This page allows you to configure settings across your whole Adminosaur account.

Church Name – allows you to edit the name of your church in the system.

Subdomain – allows you to change the URL for your access to Adminosaur. The URL will be https://[yoursubdomain] The subdomain needs to be unique, so the system will not let you change your subdomain to something already taken.

‘Exit’ URL – Allows you to configure the web address linked when pressing the exit button. This button is only available on some pages. Leaving this blank will hide the exit button.

Privacy URL – Allows you to configure the web address linked when pressing the privacy button. This button is only available on some pages. The link should contain your churches privacy policy. Leaving this blank will hide the privacy button.

If changes are made to this page make sure to press the SAVE button to save these changes.

Church Settings

Church Settings can be accessed by clicking the orange ‘Church’ tile on the Dashboard. You need to have your User Type access permission set to ‘Admin’ to be able to access this section.

There are four tabs in church settings:

General – Allows you to configure your account details
Manage Users – Allows you to configure users on your account
Integrations – Allows you to configure and sync your Elvanto account
Billing – Allows you to configure your subscription and Billing details