Registration Form

The registrant service’s registration form allows you to register every member of a family on a single form. The current number of registrations appears at the top of the form if you have set a limit for the number of people who can register.

After filling in fields for the first family member (who is designated ‘Primary’ for the family), press Add Family Member to add another form section for an additional family member. The last name, contact number and email fields are copied from the primary member for ease of use.

If the user tries to add more sections than there are registration spots, a message will be displayed indicating the limit has been exceeded.

How to view and change the check-in camera for Registrant Service.

Please note – the camera is only used for contact-less check-in in a Registrant service.

To view and change the camera you will need to have allowed Adminosaur access to the camera. For more information on how to do this see Camera Permission for Contactless Check-in. If the Camera view button doesn’t appear this may be the issue.

Once Adminosaur has permission to use the camera a small grey camera icon will appear on the left hand side of the window, level with the top of the name field. Clicking on this icon will open the camera view.

On devices with more than one camera a switch camera button will appear in the top left corner of the camera view. Please allow a couple of seconds for the camera to change.

If the switch camera button doesn’t appear or Adminosaur isn’t using the correct camera please make sure the camera is connected properly and refresh the page.

For more information or help please Contact Us.

Camera Permission for Contactless Check-in

For Contactless check-in to function you need to allow Adminosaur access to the camera on your device. You can do this by pressing allow when the webpage asks for camera access. If you have pressed block in the past there may be a small camera icon in the address bar that you can click on to allow access, once you do this you may need to refresh the page. The other way to allow access is to follow the guide for your browser below.


Use your camera & microphone – Google Chrome


Manage your camera and microphone permissions – Firefox


Control access to your camera – Mac

For more information or help please Contact Us