If you are experiencing issues with syncing your data from Elvanto, it could be one of the below issues:
1. Reset your elvanto permissions. Press the ‘Reset‘ button on your integrations page then try syncing again (it will prompt you for your elvanto login – you must have super admin privileges in elvanto for it to work).
2. Check your Allergies field in Groups/Configuration. If the Allergies field has a typo or is incorrectly configured, the sync will fail. See this page for more info.
3.Q: My browser redirects to the Adminosaur Login page when I try and sync with Elvanto.
A1: We have had issues with some version of Safari, so if you are using Safari try using Google Chrome instead
A2: Double check the Homepage and Redirect URL fields in the integrations section of Elvanto, they need to be exact. Make sure the [SUBDOMAIN] is replaced with your Adminosaur subdomain.
Open the csv import dialog on the Manage Registrants page by clicking the button.
The button will open a dialog which allows you to drag-and-drop, or click to select a file to upload from your computer.
The dialog will only accept a CSV file, maximum size 3 MB. It will not accept normal Excel spreadsheets. If you are using Excel, choose Save As and select CSV as the file type (comma-separated values).
When the import occurs, registrants will be matched in the following ways:
If an existing registrant has the same first and last name, as well as EITHER the same contact number or same email, the new information will be applied on top of the old record. This means that you can update registrant details, as long as you only change one of the contact fields at a time.
If there is no match on the registrant’s name or at least one contact method, a new record will be created for that registrant.
Imported registrants will never have emails sent to them automatically. You can manually send emails by using the buttons on the manage service page.
It is worth noting that this import feature now allows you to clear the list every week and import from a manual list of records, if you would like to do that instead of using the registration form. The process for this would be:
Delete all registrants using the delete button in the top bar.
Import people for this week’s service using the Import CSV dialog.
(Optional) Send registration emails to all registrants using the mail button in the top bar.
In the dialog you will find the CSV template for registrant information. You can also download the file here. You can open this file in Excel or another spreadsheet program to edit. The column names should stay exactly as they are in order for the system to match up the information. You may reorder the columns if you wish.
Please note that the firstname, lastname, contact_number and email fields all need to contain valid entries for the import to be successful.
Prefname indicates preferred name, which will replace the first name on printed nametags. Leave blank if none. The family field is the family ID, which can be any number. For the same family, use the same number. Leave blank for individuals. These do not need to be the same across imports, as we replace your number with a new id every import. The family relationship field is optional. If blank, the first person from each family will be designated as Primary. Otherwise, specify a person by writing ‘Primary’ into their relationship field. Capitalisation is necessary.
In some situations you may need or want to open one of the Adminosaur export files. These are .csv files, and should open in any spreadsheet program. If you need to do this, below are some notes that may aid you:
When opening the file, you may need to change some settings to ensure the cells and columns are correctly separated. Our files are separated by comma’s, and the string delimiters are quotation marks (“).
When opening the file, you will likely need to tell the program you are using that phone numbers are ‘text’ columns, otherwise the zeros in front of the phone numbers will be removed. Most spreadsheet programs will have a function to change this when opening the file, usually by selecting the relevant column and changing the type.
Make sure you save the file back as a .csv if you need to import this into a database.